Aromatherapy Series - Fruits
Whether you use essential oils or the actual fruit to explore your sense of smell, let's take a look at what fruits have to offer emotionally and energetically in our continuing series on fruits! Typically fruits offer an uplifting and cleansing effect, they're refreshing and offer protection and nurturing. BUT please do not use synthetic or artificial scent and expect therapeutic benefit!
What I learned about black pepper that really surprised me is that it's actually a fruit. I always sort of thought of it as a seed but it's a fruit that grows on a vine. Each fruit produces one seed and peppercorns are the dried fruit including the seed of the plant. The peppercorn is not the seed, it’s the entire fruit 😮 wow right?
Black pepper (Piper nigrum) does THREE amazing things: energetically it reduces fear and motivates change. It can protect from negative energy and helps release blocked energy. It also helps reduce fatigue and low energy.
Aromatically it is dry, warm, spicy and woody. To experience black pepper aromatically simply rub some peppercorns between your palms, set down the peppercorns and place your palms over your nose and mouth like a tent and take a nice deep breath.
When using black pepper essential oil, keep in mind it is a hot oil and should be diluted in a carrier. To do this simply mix one drop black pepper essential oil into sweet almond oil, coconut oil or some other oily oil. I like to use oil blend called V6 that is a variety of various organic oils. Here's some of my favorite DIY supplies: DIY Supplies
For me personally black pepper was one of the very first essential oils in my personal custom blend. It’s deep dark scent helped me feel grounded and protected. I blended it with other grounding oils to use in a diffuser necklace and smell when I was afraid around people I considered emotionally unsafe until I could safely exit the situation. That’s how I experienced it before I learned that is exactly what it’s supposed to do energetically. Pretty amazing huh?
Physically black pepper can also help with circulation and digestion. Some studies show that has been helpful for people who wish to stop smoking. Oh and if you get ones specially labeled for internal use like I do you can do a toothpick swirl in an adult beverage - sooooo amazing!!
So the next time you’re feeling stuck in fear and wish to motivate some change, feel protected from negative energy or release blocked energy, either grab a few peppercorns and use as above or try a drop of black pepper in your diffuser!
To learn more about how I use the your super power sense of smell to help get you unstuck visit:
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