Client and Student Testimonials

Excerpts of client testimonials shows as images screenshot of comments shared with permission.

Is awareness scary for you?

Is awareness scary for you?
Is awareness scary for you? It was for me. The fog cleared slowly and gently, but when it came it was still a challenge.


When trust in ourself is shattered

When trust in ourself is shattered and regret has set in, how do we stop the spinning and ruminating? How do we move forward and let go? If you're stuck and want to get out of the loop, here are two things that worked for me.

Is this relationship an illusion??

Is this relationship an illusion??
What is a real relationship to you? I'd love your thoughts in the comments!

Being Fully Present

Have you heard to biological rudeness? Are you fully present in your relationships?

Negotiating Reality

Negotiating Reality
What does it mean to you to accept reality? 


What does acceptance mean to you? Here's an illustration to ponder...

Events vs Experiences

Explore the difference between an event and an experience. Read my personal story about how past memories influence our present life events. Learn how our olfactory system is connected to the amygdala, which is responsible for memories, emotions, and the stories we create from past experiences. By mindfully directing change through daily aroma reset, we can rewire this part of our brain and change how we experience life. 

Setting Priorities and Creating Abundance Within

Setting Priorities and Creating Abundance Within
Are you struggling to balance your commitments and keep everyone happy? If so, you're not alone. Creating priorities can be challenging, especially for those of us who struggle with people pleasing and overcommitment. In order to make better decisions and prioritize effectively,

Understanding the Impact of Trauma and cPTSD

Understanding the Impact of Trauma and cPTSD
Realization that something isn’t right feels like finding yourself in the middle of a thicket of thorn bushes. Maybe you headed in for some tasty raspberries. Suddenly you realize you’re in the middle of the patch and you’re full of scratches. If you move you get scratched some more so maybe you just stand still for a bit while you figure out what’s going on. Carefully, you assess your situation. It’s not possible to stay there. What now??

3 Simple Strategies to Clear Overwhelm and Find Inner Peace

3 Simple Strategies to Clear Overwhelm and Find Inner Peace
Are you feeling overwhelmed with life's responsibilities and commitments? You're not alone. Overwhelm is a natural stress response, but it doesn't have to control your life. Discover how to overcome overwhelm with these practical tips. Read on to learn more! 

Tips to Overcome Procrastination and Boost Productivity

Tips to Overcome Procrastination and Boost Productivity
Do you struggle with procrastination and feel guilty and anxious about delaying tasks? Read my post for some strategies and discover the root cause of your procrastination and break free from the weight on your shoulders. The key to overcoming procrastination is identifying the root cause and finding solutions that work for you. With my AFT or Level UP coaching sessions, we can discover where your beliefs and ideas about yourself come from and clear them out. 

Balancing Support of Others with Support of Self

Balancing Support of Others with Support of Self
Are you tired of feeling drained and burnt out while trying to be there for your loved ones? Learn the secret to practicing sustainable empathy in this article, where you'll discover how to prioritize self-care while still offering support and creating meaningful connections. Don't miss out on this valuable insight into balancing empathy and well-being.

How to Balance Your Needs and Empathy

How to Balance Your Needs and Empathy
Are you struggling with overwhelm and burnout? Prioritizing your own well-being, practicing mindfulness, and learning to let go of things that are no longer beneficial are crucial steps in building meaningful relationships. Explore these tips to build deeper and more meaningful relationships and watch your relationships flourish.

Empower Yourself: Key Components of a Fulfilling Life

Empower Yourself: Key Components of a Fulfilling Life
Struggling to maintain empathy without losing yourself? Discover the essential components of a happy and fulfilling life with these simple yet powerful tools. Learn how to stay grounded, let go of situations beyond your control, build healthy relationships, and balance empathy with self-care. Explore essential practices to help you navigate life's challenges. Join us on this journey towards inner peace and genuine connections with our upcoming Masterclass and Workshop.

Changing Your Inner Voice: From Criticism to Compassion

Changing Your Inner Voice: From Criticism to Compassion
Do you struggle with negative self-talk that brings down your self-esteem? You're not alone. But what if you could transform that critical inner voice into a supportive, caring one? Here are some insights into the common obstacles that prevent us from loving and accepting ourselves, along with solutions to help break free from negative thought patterns. 

If you're subscribed, I included four journal prompts in the email to deepen your understanding of your inner voice and help you on your journey toward greater self-love and acceptance.

Transforming Your Inner Dialogue: Overcoming Self-Criticism with Self-Compassion and Reflection

Transforming Your Inner Dialogue: Overcoming Self-Criticism with Self-Compassion and Reflection
Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by negative self-talk? Discover how to harness the power of your inner voice and turn it into a positive force. In this article, we'll explore what an inner voice is, how it can become an inner critic, practical tips and most importantly, how to use your inner voice to uplift and encourage yourself. Don't let your inner critic hold you back any longer. Read on to learn how to take control of your thoughts and unlock your true potential. Read the full article and start your journey towards inner peace and self-compassion.

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