Can we talk about traumatic memories? Do you have any? What if there was a way to dissolve the emotion attached to that memory? Did you know there's a unique Aroma Freedom Technique for that very thing? 

During an Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) session, you do not share your memory. That remains private and personal.

The Memory Release Technique

For this technique, we do not begin with a goal like a typical AFT session. We start with a memory that, at the time it happened, felt traumatic. We end with nurturing and empowering practices to replenish your mental, emotional, and physical energy. Does that sound good to you?

The thing about memories

Sometimes we look back on a memory and it still feels traumatic.

Other times our adult brain may look back on a memory, and as our adult self, we understand it wasn't as big as when it happened. We don't realize the story created at the time that even happened created a story. We came to a conclusion about ourselves or the world around us. 

Sometimes I use the illustration of playing on the school ground. We might trip and fall. The other children might tease us or laugh. We may feel embarrassed. The result is a lesson learned that may sound like "if I stay tiny and quiet, all avoid painful embarrassment." For a while as a child, that story might keep us safe from embarrassment. 

As an adult, we may find ourselves staying very small and quiet. This can be a challenge if we are an entrepreneur or trying to find employment. We might not even realize the source of our challenges. The story that once kept us safe no longer serves us. Aroma freedom technique helps us uncover the basis of our current challenges. 

Healing must outpace incoming damage

Other times we have old trauma plus new trauma, as in the case of living in a challenging situation. In that case, the trauma continues to pile up. If we don't clear out past trauma, eventually we will break. AFT helps us clear out old stories and damage and better handle current challenges. 

Once you learn this technique, you continue on your own to get ahead of your trauma and begin to heal. That's what happened to me. I got ahead of it and began to heal. I want to share that with you. 

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Click here to get your Aroma Reset guide - This simple technique clears your limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. Your powerful sense of smell unlocks the part of your subconscious brain responsible for making decisions on autopilot. That instinct or survival brain isn't open to reason and logic. Empower yourself at that level to accomplish every goal you set!

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