Why are affirmations so powerful? Because mindset is everything.
What do I mean by mindset? I think of a person’s mindset as their entire set of attitudes and beliefs. Our mindset entirely influences how we move through life, the decisions we make, our choices and our habits.
Mindset shapes a person’s relationships, finances, health, lifestyle, how they use their time, and what they choose for work. It affects their behaviors and actions. Every moment of every day is influenced by our core beliefs and our mindset.
For me, mindset is related to whether someone has a positive or negative attitude, but it also goes far deeper, to the core of how one perceives everything that happens in their life. It’s our dominant mental attitude.
That said, what if, by default, we have a mindset that isn’t ideal? Can we choose to create a more positive mindset? Can we create the mindset we desire for ourselves?
Yes, and affirmations are one way we do that very thing. Affirmations reprogram our brain. They replace our default programming, our core beliefs passed on to us, with the attitudes and beliefs we choose. Affirmations change our thoughts, which, in turn, change our attitudes, beliefs, and patterns of thinking that then change our life. Affirmations create a ripple effect.
Creating Effective Affirmations
Affirmations are included in every Aroma Freedom session after we identify your goal and dissolve any memories or emotions that may be causing self-sabotage. We clear any negative thoughts and negative voices (our conditioned voice}. Once those are cleared, we can create an effective affirmation. The soil of your mind is prepped and ready for the new attitudes you choose to plant as your new core belief. This step is powerful and easy to do!
Doing affirmations with essential oils or other natural botanicals, along with a power pose makes them even more effective.
Affirmations are always formed in the present tense using positive words.
- Examples are:
- I am joyful
- I choose only peace
- I claim ___
- I create ___
- I enjoy ___
- I radiate ___
How to Do Affirmations
✓ Affirmations reflect and declare that you already possess the thing desired.
✓ They are always positive and in the present tense.
✓ Say affirmations for about 2 minutes every morning and evening.
✓ Using oils, herbs, or spices with a power pose makes affirmations even more effective.
Whether in a small group session or a 1:1 session with me, we will create your most positive and effective affirmation statement. We’ll create your highest choice and goal, then after clearing any obstacles, we’ll form your new highest choice based on any new understandings, ways of thinking, or beliefs. Get your free Aroma Freedom 60-second Reset here so you can reset any situation as needed throughout your day.
Yes, we can choose our core beliefs. We can make new choices anytime we desire—we have that power.
We were created and designed to choose.
January 2024 will mark the third year in a row for my goal-setting Masterclass / Workshop!
If you can't attend in person, catch the replay and you're welcome to message me after to answer any questions you may have after watching and doing the activities on your own.
Get on the workshop waitlist here: Workshop Waitlist
Bonus Stuff for You:
Scientific Study on Power Poses
Check out this video about power poses by Amy Cuddy. Keep in mind that she only talks about our physical body. However, with Aroma Reset, we add our mind and emotions to the equation. This means we use both bottom-up and top-down methods to reprogram our outlook and have a more positive mindset. When we go through a full Aroma Freedom session, we reframe our view of past experiences and consolidate our memories in a new way. Amy Cuddy and the science of power pose
Bonus Video from the Archives
Bonus - Sample Affirmations
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Click here to get your Aroma Reset guide - This simple technique clears your limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. Your powerful sense of smell unlocks the part of your subconscious brain responsible for making decisions on autopilot. That instinct or survival brain isn't open to reason and logic. Empower yourself at that level to accomplish every goal you set!
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