Summer means more time outdoors!! Here's some great plant based tips for summer care - keeping pests at bay, skin and hair nourishment, oils for keeping cool, diffuser blends.
Safety First!
Some oils cause skin to become photosensitive meaning skin becomes sensitive to the sun and UV rays. Sunlight and tanning beds should be avoided for at least 18 hours after application of these oils or apply them in an area of the body that is covered or at night.
Some of these oils are bergamot, lemon, lime, grapefruit, bitter orange, mandarin leaf, cumin and angelica root.
Peace & Calming®, Stress Away™, Citrus Fresh™, Gentle Baby™, and Joy™ are some of Young Living’s popular oil blends that cause photosensitivity, but other oils can come with these risks as well. Always check the label to see what cautions are associated with the oil you’re using.
More safety tips from the Lavender Life blog here. Sometimes it depends on the dilution of the oil in the blend so read your labels.
Oils for Pests
Some of my favorite essential oils for pests are geranium, citronella, peppermint and Thieves blend. I have a few DIY "Bug Be Gone" recipes for hiking / camping, lakeside, hotels / travel and around the home. They use oils specific for pests found in those locations. More on that with recipes in another post...
Around the Home. One friend mixes a few drops of peppermint oil into her Thieves Household Cleaner especially in spring and summer to keep those counters clear of tiny crawlers. I love to use peppermint on the threshold of the doors - either just a drop in each corner undiluted or make a spray bottle (10 drops peppermint to 1oz water) to spray around.
Studies like these referenced below are available for review and part of my aromatherapy school research. Certainly not necessary for the average essential oiler but it helped me create specific blends for specific intentions. This is a great website for geeky scientific studies and research if that suits you:
Sun Protection
Besides UV protective clothing, sunscreen is a must for me. One thing I had researched was cautions around nano particles. Some "natural" sunscreens don't use non nano particle zinc oxide. You can find non nano particle zinc oxide online and make your own using coconut oil, zinc oxide and your favorite essential oils. I made one using essential oils for pests to tackle two things at once! If you're looking to buy I like this one and they also have an SPF 10 available.
Staying Cool Tip
Again peppermint is a huge win and causes a really cooling sensation on the skin thanks to the menthol in peppermint essential oil. Just mix 10 drops into 1oz water in a spray bottle and spritz the back of your neck as needed to keep cool.
After Sun and Fun
Of course with all precautions skin still needs some tender loving care after fun in the sun. I like to use ART skin care because I find the cell turnover is amazing and keeps my skin smooth. It lasts a long time and just one squirt of the foaming wash does my whole face and neck. Otherwise I use my regular oil cleansing method so in summer it depends on what I've been up to and how much cleansing and smoothing my skin might need.
My skin loves a good spritz with lavender spray - 12 drops lavender in 1oz water in a little spray bottle. This is a good spray to promote relaxing feelings to use on bed linens before bed too. Last year I got a free bottle of LavaDerm After Sun Spray with my essential rewards order so I keep in in the refrigerator to use as needed too.
Of course I make my rosehip seed oil face serum and use that generously. To 1oz of rosehip seed oil I add 12 drops total of any of these oils: chamomile, frankincense, helichrysum, lavender, myrrh, patchouli, ylang ylang or vetiver. When choosing a carrier oil like rosehip seed I look for organic, nonGMO, cold pressed and if possible labeled hexane free. Here's my curated list of DIY supplies
Here's some others and so far everything I've used I've loved.
Related / Upcoming Workshops
Workshops focused on hair care, skin care and pest deterrents are part of the regular schedule. The Essential Oils for Summer workshop is based on the information in this post and you can join live workshops to interact, ask questions and get personal help addressing what's on your mind as it relates to summer and oils. Here's a bonus replay available by request of one of our workshops
Wishing you peace and wellness 💛🍋🌿💚 Stay cool and have a safe summer!!
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