Designed by Dee Watercolor

Visit My Etsy Shop

Message from the Artist

Hi there and welcome to my little corner of the internet. I’m delighted my art and things I create bring joy to others. I imagine a smile lights up your face receiving your order. If you send my cards or gift my bits of art to others, there's more joy as your recipient opens to read your message and sees my artwork. 

People around our beautiful planet need more smiles, more joy and more peace.  

Whatever brings you to here to visit, thanks for stopping by.


My Style
Below are samples of my art to give you an idea of my style using mixed media

Greeting Cards

Styles vary for greeting cards and generally sold as single cards or in sets of 4 or 8 available on my Etsy shop.


Watercolor bookmarks make precious gifts for yourself or others! Sold in my Etsy shop.

Artist Trading Cards (ATC)

ATC are mini pieces of art traded for free between artists. The only requirement is cards must measure 2.5" x 3.5" in size. Any form of mixed media is welcome. Here are a few of my favorites I've created for trades. If you trade with me, we likely met on FB in one of the ATC groups and chat on Messenger. I'm so happy you stopped by!


Watercolor was such a challenge for me and the ability to create anything remotely pretty was elusive. Several years ago I found a wonderful online instructor whose relaxed teaching style helped me develop my unique style. Here's a shared album of my favorite handpainted pieces. Most are hanging in my small studio space, some were sold, all are precious to me.