Small changes can have huge effects! Keep reading to learn how tiny goals can empower your growth and emotional balance to create a ripple effect in your life.
Last year, during an interview with Tara Geraghty—founder of Hey Girl, You Can—she referred to me as a “ripple goal-setter.” She mentioned she’d observed me the previous year and noticed that my goals always involved other people and that others were blessed by my reaching those goals. In other words, my goals didn’t just benefit me—others benefited from me reaching my goals too. I’d never thought of it that way and appreciated her observation. It was a lightbulb moment.
I had never heard the term “ripple goal-setter” and started thinking about it deeply over the days following the interview. And you know what happens when I think deeply? I have empowered growth to share!
Your Pebble
What would your life look like if you had a bit more confidence? How would your life change if you felt truly content? What would your day look like if you had something to look forward to and accomplish?
That’s the ripple effect of goals. In the weekly empowering messages contained in these blog posts, I often share my thoughts about the value and benefits of goals. Setting goals promotes feelings of hope. Meeting small goals promotes feelings of contentment and blesses us with feelings of accomplishment. See the ripple effect? Small goals act as the pebble that creates ripples toward bigger results.
Your Ripple
Let’s take it a step further. How do you think your interactions with others would be affected by an increased level of confidence, hope, and feelings of accomplishment? Why would that nourish your relationships and friendships? Would they become deeper? Healthier?
If you had stronger feelings of confidence, hope, and accomplishment, do you think that would encourage others? Do you think you would smile more? Feel a little bit lighter? What if this started to further ripple to where you could encourage others to reach their goals?
Emotions are contagious. When we’re smiling, others smile. So if we feel more confident and filled with hope and joy, it spills out in our interactions with others and then they, too, are lifted. Then they, in turn, leave their time with you feeling lifted, which will affect others. So the ripple continues in ways you may not observe!
Three Pillars
My website and all I do is built on three pillars: emotional healing, gentle boundaries, and empowered growth. These pillars created a ripple effect in my own life where one led to the next. Once I had more balanced emotions, I began responding rather than reacting. Then setting gentle boundaries that nourished healthy relationships became easy. And the result was that my growth came from a place of empowerment. Those three pillars are now the foundation of my Level UP program.
If emotional healing and balance, gentle boundaries, and empowered growth sound good, check out my Level UP program and get started!
Interview with Tara
Bonus Video from the Archive
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I was encouraged by your, Ripple Effect of Goals. I hope I can get the same good results.
Love 💗 Hugs