Be Still...
[this posted was updated and expanded]

This is such a good reminder for me! This passage was advice an older woman gave to a younger woman - after they had done all they could reasonably do it was time to sit and be still, to wait and see how the matter turns out and then move forward from there. Sometimes it's easy to think we need to DO something, fix something, move something forward, figure out next steps. 

Patiently waiting to see how things develop *IS* doing something. Once we have done everything we can do about a situation we mindfully, prayerfully, surrender and see how things move forward and often they do move forward with ease. Sometimes things move forward in a way we didn't expect or anticipate, in a way we hadn't even thought. Sometimes they move forward in an amazing way.

So often hubby and I have built side businesses, we've always had one person working a "regular" job collecting a steady paycheck, while the other pursued some passion. It always turned out amazing, supporting one another's dreams. It's been a crazy 30+ years of love and support.

This is the first time we're both pursuing a dream at the same time, both building different businesses. It's often stressful, money is tight, we eat *lots* of beans with rice! It's ok and even on this tight budget I buy organic as much as possible, shopping local stores for best prices and grabbing deals as I come across them. I make my own DIY stuff - saves money and keeps us away from toxins. Essential oils are little bottles of amazing plant power that last a loooong time. Some oils boost immunity, others clear away bacteria and fungus, some are antiviral, yessiree all sorts of yummy goodness in those little bottles.

We volunteer our time in the community and our time doing so is a treasure. Sticking to a good spiritual routine keeps us centered. We stay focused on our goals, keep everything in balance, and remind each other from time to time it's going to be ok, we're going to be ok, we just continue doing all we reasonably can and then BE STILL until we know how the matter will turn out.

Another translation rendered this verse "until you learn how the matter will turn out" which really touches my heart. We need to be attune and in tune to learn how things will turn out. Wait and the answers will come. 

Do you have a tough time being with stillness? What helps bring you back to center? What takes you away?

Learn more why and how memories and emotions get stuck

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1 Comment

  1. Thank you for your thoughts here. I love it.

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